Get Involved
As an all-volunteer organization, we rely on the support and dedication of our community to keep everything running smoothly. It truly takes a village—from attendees to our leadership team—to make everything possible. We are grateful for those who are already part of our community and warmly invite you to join our growing family of volunteers!
Volunteer Opportunities
Whether it's helping with wood busts, camp projects, event shifts, inventory organization, or distributing event information, there are always opportunities throughout the year where we need extra support.
We’ll share volunteer opportunities here, so be sure to check in from time to time. Your help makes a difference, and we truly count on people like you!
Did you know that HSA is a Member-driven Organization? That’s right! Outside of safety and legal decisions, our Members are involved in all aspects of our decision-making process.
If you would like to be involved in making the magic happen, visit our Membership page to learn more!
Staff Opportunities
We are always looking for existing Members to step-up into lead roles. Staff includes Directors, Officers, and Committee Leads.
If you are an existing Member looking to dive even deeper into the Organization, visit our Staff Opportunities page to learn more!
Reduced entry fee for events
Early entry to event with Committee Leads approval
Voting privileges and may hold an elected position (Committee Lead, Officer, or Director)
Must be 18 years of age or older
Pay $20 annual membership dues
Attend a minimum of 6 Membership meetings annually*
Work a minimum of 20 hours before, during, and/or after the festival toward the facilitation of the event in order to access member pricing for Heartland Magical Spaces
*Prerequisite – To become a member, you must attend a minimum of 3 meetings in a 5 month period. Two meetings must be Membership meetings. The 3rd can be a committee, leadership, or collaboration meeting. Once completed, you pay your dues and complete your work hours.
Committee Selection
Annually, Members select their top 3 event committee choices when they pay their dues. Our Community Involvement Coordinator works with Committee Leads to pair you up with the choice that best meets the needs/skill-set of the Member and the committee. During this process you will also have a chance to sign up for other volunteer opportunities such as wood busts and special events.
Steps to Membership
Attend 3 meetings
Review our Team & Committee List to get familiar with our team roles
Work with Community Involvement Coordinator to get your Membership Code.
Complete Membership Application
Pay dues and select HMS committee & volunteer preferences
Looking to dive even deeper into the Organization? Staff includes Directors, Officers, and Committee Leads. We are always looking for existing Members who are ready to step up and participate in the nitty-gritty details of putting together our amazing Festival and helping with our other events throughout the year!
In addition to your Membership Benefits you also get the following:
Committee Leads
May choose an adult as Guest for HMS instead of teen or pet
Directors & Officers
May bring an adult and a teen or pet
In addition to your Membership Requirements, we do have additional requirements.
Committee Leads need to have been a Member in Good Standing for a minimum of a year prior and have led a committee, trained with a committee, or have pertinent experience and applicable skills.
Directors & Officers need to have been a Member in Good Standing for a minimum of two years prior and have held a Director/Officer position or led a committee for one year.
Committee Teams

Community Fires - Community Fires: Oversees the management of HSA fires during HMS, ensuring safety and efficiency. Additionally, handles the procurement and preparation of wood for various events, ensuring a steady supply to support community gatherings and activities.
Committee Team Lead- Lotus-
Community Involvement* - Community Involvement: Facilitates active participation by coordinating with members to assign them to appropriate committees. Ensures timely communication by notifying both members and committee chairs of their committee assignments. Oversees Work Exchange participants during events, ensuring they are effectively integrated into event operations. Additionally, manages Community Service volunteers, providing guidance and support to maximize their contributions during events.
Committee Team Lead- Open-

Fundraising/Merchandising* - Oversees the management and sales of HSA merchandise, ensuring inventory is well-maintained and displayed effectively during events. Organizes and runs the Silent Auction or raffles, creating engaging opportunities for attendees to participate and contribute. Coordinates additional fundraising activities throughout the year, collaborating with team members to develop creative and impactful initiatives that support the organization’s goals. Ensures all fundraising efforts align with the mission and values of HSA while maximizing financial support for programs and activities.
Committee Team Lead- Uriah Arganbright-
Guest Welcome - Manages pre-registration, ensuring a smooth sign-up process and accurate attendee records. At events, warmly checks in and welcomes guests, addressing any questions and ensuring a seamless arrival experience. Collaborates with event staff to maintain an organized and efficient check-in process, setting a positive tone for the event.​
Committee Team Lead- Ori O.-
Hospitality - Oversees the care and maintenance of cabins, ensuring a clean, comfortable, and well-prepared environment for guests. Coordinates meal planning and preparation for events, prioritizing taste, nutrition, and dietary needs. Manages all cleaning tasks during events, maintaining a tidy and organized space throughout.
Committee Team Lead- JJ Sweetass Gunsaulis-
Merchants - Recruits, coordinates, and manages vendors and merchants for events. Handles logistics such as booth placement, setup requirements, and permits. Communicates with vendors to ensure their needs are met and collaborates with event staff to maintain a smooth and organized marketplace, enhancing the overall attendee experience.
Committee Team Lead- Jessica-
Programming* - Coordinates and schedules all event programming, including booking guests, workshops, keynote speakers, and bands. Manages logistics, contracts, and communication to ensure a seamless and engaging experience for attendees. Works to create a balanced and dynamic lineup that aligns with HSA’s mission and goals.
Committee Team Lead- Melody-

Public Relations* - Promotes HSA and its events across multiple channels, including PPDs, social media, and print media. Manages the creation and distribution of key publications, such as the HSA newsletter and the Festival brochure, ensuring content is accurate, engaging, and aligned with HSA’s mission.
Committee Team Lead- Elaina McKenzie-
Sacred Experience* - Coordinates and manages all ritual activities at HMS, including main rituals and rites of passage. Works with leaders and volunteers to plan, set up, and facilitate each event, ensuring a meaningful and inclusive experience that reflects the community's values and traditions.
Committee Team Lead- Darci Gunsaulis-

Safety - Provides security services before and during events, ensuring a safe environment for all attendees. Coordinates event communications through Dispatch for clear information flow and addresses logistical concerns. Offers on-site first aid and medical services, with trained personnel ready to handle any emergencies promptly and professionally.
Committee Team Lead- Jay Nielson-
Vehicular Management - Oversees the flow of traffic, shuttle services, signage, and the parking field during events. Coordinates with security and transportation teams to ensure smooth traffic control, clear signage, and efficient shuttle operations. Works with parking staff and volunteers to maintain order and provide a safe, accessible experience for all attendees.
Committee Team Lead- Open-
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​VIP Team/Site - Manages the setup and tear-down of festival infrastructure, including carports, shuttle stops, and traffic posts. Coordinates the delivery and placement of committee-specific items, ensuring everything is in the right location on time. Works closely with committees and volunteers to maintain efficiency, safety, and functionality throughout the process.
Committee Team Lead- Open-
*indicates board of director led committees